March,7 2023 RECAP 

inform & educate residents; develop sustainable lake management solutions 

  1. Eagle Scout signage project – Paul S. is coordinating this project. We will utilize the Mundelein Tool Library new Woodworking Shop space for the sign construction. The Education team is reviewing/finalizing content for the signs. The plan is for a sign at South Beach and a sign at North Beach to inform and educate residents about our lake, the fish, the native plants and wildlife. 
  2. Geese 

-Beach fencing update – New fencing gates have been installed at both beaches. We have 1 more to build and install at South Beach. John P. and Marty S. will be coordinating volunteers to build the last gate. The new gates are much easier to move and put back so please remember to put them back after you use them. We are still looking for design ideas for the geese fence on the sand beach at South Beach to make it less cumbersome to move and put back. As a reminder to lakefront homeowners, if you cut your native plant buffer strip down in the fall you should put up some temporary fencing to keep the geese from nesting in your buffer strip. 

-Geese Away lights – 10 Geese Away geese deterrent lights were installed on our lake this past weekend. These are solar powered low level lights that flash at night only. The flashing light disrupts the geese sleeping on or near the lake encouraging them to find another home. Marty S. volunteered to monitor the lights. 

  1. Team updates 

-Native Plants – Sarah updated us on the plan to extend the native plant buffer strip at South Beach between the swim pier and the boat launch pier. The new garden/buffer strip will include a walking path and signage about the native plants. Chris B. put the plan together and the Garden Club is working on getting the native plants for this.

-Education – The team is currently working on reviewing the content for the Eagle Scout sign project as well as some other education ideas. If you are interested in taking the lead on this team, please reach out to Tom. 

-Monitoring – Doug has volunteers for the monthly secchi reading team. He is researching other testing we could do to monitor our lake water quality. -Fishing – We have 3 experienced fishermen who have volunteered to help with this team. We are planning to have this team help the Events team with the fishing derbies as well as fishing lessons for the community. We have a working draft of a fish survey form to help us track our fishery population. We will use this information for future restocking efforts. Anyone interested in joining or leading this team, please reach out to Tom. -Research – We are developing a long range lake management plan that we can utilize as a framework going forward. Anyone interested, please reach out to Tom 4. Lake management 2023 contract 

-Spraying for invasive plants – The plan is to continue this with McCloud Aquatics this year. McCloud is working on a proposal to include adding planktonic algae treatments in the summer months. 

  1. 2023 projects 

-Floating islands – The 4 floating islands have been ordered and we should arrive by mid-May. The plan is to have the islands off of North Beach, South Beach, near Firth channel and possibly by the dam. Islands should be placed near our major inlets where the majority of nutrients flow into our lake. The purpose of the floating islands are to consume the excess nutrients in our lake that will in turn reduce the amount of algae growth. Other benefits include providing habitat for wildlife such as turtles and pollinators and enhancing our fish diversity by providing cover for smaller fish. 

-Aerators – Research continues on evaluating this potential project. 

-Biodredging – McCloud Aquatics will report on the effectiveness of the trial application in the spring. Based upon the results we will decide on whether to pursue this option any further. Biodredging is using natural organic compounds that eat away at the soft silt layer on the bottom of our lake. 

-Inlet stabilization – Paul and Eric have expressed interest in working on a plan for this initiative. If you are also interested in working on this initiative please reach out to Tom. 6. Update of Lake County lakes grant application – We are awaiting a decision from Lake County on the combined grant submitted by Butler Lake, St. Mary’s Lake and Loch Lomond to implement a system across the 3 lakes to address the poor water quality issues and HABs. Lake County has now indicated they should have a decision in March. The proposed system would include aerator/diffusers as well as natural compounds to greatly improve the water quality of the 3 lakes. 

  1. HAB and lake water test results communication – A new Communication Team is being established by the LLPOA Board to improve communications with the residents. The new communication plan will improve the communication on water quality issues and HABs (harmful algal blooms). 
  2. Beavers – 

The LLPOA Board has been discussing the beaver issues in our lake and has come up with the following clarification/guideline going forward. 

“LLPOA takes care of the LLPOA property. Homeowners are responsible for their own private property. LLPOA has taken steps to protect and discourage beavers and other wildlife from damaging LLPOA property. LLPOA has also taken steps to inform and educate residents on beavers as well as geese. There is an article on our website on how to discourage beavers which includes the statement ‘As would be the case for any wildlife on your property, LLPOA is not responsible for beavers in your yard or any damage they cause’ ”. We encourage you to help inform and educate your neighbors who may have a shoreline that is inviting to beavers and/or geese. 

  1. Adopt a Beach Week for South Beach 

While this is not a Lake Management issue, we are currently without a South Beach Director. So I am reaching out to this group to look for volunteers to sign up for 1 week in the Spring or Fall to help us take care of South Beach. Responsibilities would include walking the beach at least 3 times during your week and report any damage, put stuff away, put out and take in the recycling bin. If you go there with your family anyway this is an easy way to help out. If you don’t go there often then this is an opportunity for you and your family to visit the beach more often. Please contact Tom to express interest or with any questions you may have on this. 

  1. Spring Lake Management Kickoff – Plans are in the works for a Lake Management Spring Kickoff to inform and educate the residents about our lake AND how to enjoy our lake safely. Sunday May 21 would be the date, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. We would like to have the following but need some volunteers as indicated below. We’ll finalize plans at the April meeting. 

– fishing lessons – need 2 volunteers 

– boat rides – need 2 – 3 boats to take people on short boat rides 

– kayak lessons – need 1 – 2 people to show people how to safely kayak, also at least 2 kayaks 

– native plant education and new garden display – need 1 – 2 people 

– education – need 1 – 2 people to answer questions on HAB and ? 

– lake management plans for the year – need 1 -2 people to answer questions about plans in the works for the lake 

– BBQ – need 3 people to grill and serve hot dogs and brats 

– Kids activities – need 1 – 2 people to coordinate kid activities, possibly a scavenger hunt 

Next meeting – April 11, 2023 

Future meetings: May 9, June 13, July 11, August 15, September 12, October 10 and November 14. Mark your calendars!