You may have seen construction began at Dunbar and Banbury on the north side of our neighborhood. Village of Mundelein contractors began exposing the existing watermain and will continue with excavation and installing new utilities. The new main will decrease the commonality of water main breaks in the neighborhood. The new storm sewer and gutter will mitigate drainage issues. A silt fence has been installed to mitigate runoff impacts to our lake. Roadwork may not begin until July.

If any private property, driveway, lawn etc. is damaged during construction, it will be fixed or replaced by the end of the project. It may seem that the contractors have left a mess, but they will always be back for restoration. There will also be an initial and final inspection in which all public works departments will conduct a thorough inspection of the area and generate a comprehensive punch list for the contractors. The contractors cannot fulfill the contract until all damages are addressed to satisfaction.

Contractors should notify residents before restricting any driveway access. School buses and all through traffic will not be blocked, however using alternative routes is encouraged.

Please contact the LLPOA board or the resident engineer with questions or concerns.