We need volunteers to join us at South Beach this weekend to get the beach ready for the summer season! Join us at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 15 at South Beach to meet your neighbors and beautify the beach. Bring shovels, wheelbarrows, and other tools to help with the many tasks we have on our to-do list! Water and Munchkins will be provided for our hardworking helpers. Contact South Beach Director Ginny Rounds with questions or to let us know you’ll be there!

South Beach tasks:

  • Remove two willow trees west of the swimming pier
  • Move old wood by east boat storage to the shed area
  • Repair wood boards outside dumpster area (nail back in place)
  • Clean buoy lines (need power washer)
  • Put up no smoking signs and put out ash can (items are in shed)
  • Fix bike rack
  • Install digging toy
  • Reinstall timbers around west boat storage area
  • Boat rack repairs
  • Dismantle plastic guard boat
  • PVC covers for posts on old raft
  • Put coated wire along swimming pier replacing wire that is there – enlarge holes in PVC
  • Replace PVC end caps
  • Replace 3 PVC caps/handles on ladders
  • Check umbrella stand for guard pier umbrella
  • Move canopies from shed to North Beach shed
  • Check hoses
  • Water seal picnic tables
  • Repair benches by playground
  • Spread mulch in beds and around trees
  • Put up fencing that Luke ordered-supplies are in the shed
  • Clean out shed

Tools needed:

  • Pressure washer
  • Wheel barrows
  • Wire cutters
  • Sander
  • Mulch shovels
  • Power drill
  • Hand tree saw
  • Sawzall
  • Wrenches