February 25, 2025
inform & educate residents; develop sustainable lake management solutions
The avian flu has been reported in our area with Third Lake in Grayslake reporting 25+ dead Canadian geese on their lake. This adds more urgency and importance to our geese deterrent efforts this year. The geese are looking for nesting sites on unprotected shorelines and lawns. More information on what you can do to help reduce the goose population on our lake can be found in the attached recap.
More information on the avian flu and how to handle dead birds can be found on the Lake County Health Department website at this link avian flu .
- More information on how to dispose of less than 5 dead birds can be found here.
- More information on how to dispose of 5 or more dead birds can be found here.
Our next Lake Management Committee meeting will be MONDAY (not Tuesday) April 7, 7:00 PM at the Fremont Library. We are moving the day of the week for next month’s meeting due to room availability.
- We reviewed the 2025 Lake Management Plan Summary document which provides a summary of the 17 initiatives we are currently working on. We will continue to work on a more detailed document that will be used for continuity.
- The contract for the 1 time early spraying for the invasive curly leaf weed was approved at the February board meeting. The contract for the bimonthly weed harvesting was approved at the February board meeting dependent on a monthly review to determine if harvesting is needed and funds availability. McCloud Aquatics is offering weed harvesting for homeowner shorelines. This would be an arrangement between the homeowner and McCloud Aquatics. Interested homeowners can contact Tom Casey for more information.
- The group is looking into a different product to use for the biodredge application that is less expensive and comes in blocks instead of pellets which would make it easier to apply. Randy is looking into different options and costs for this product.
- Gerry Munley gave an overview of the new testing capabilities we will have with the new tools that were donated to the Lake County Lake Lovers group. This will allow us to capture more information on various lake measurements including phosphorous levels. Previous testing information that Gerry has compiled is on our website at the following link water data.
- Roger Franz gave an overview of the research he has done into phosphorus binding products. This is a potential solution to our high phosphorous levels in the lake. It was looked into a few years ago but was cost prohibitive at the time. Roger will reach out to a few vendors for additional information and current pricing. Roger and Gerry will reach out to Countryside Lake as they are planning on using a phosphate binding product this summer.
- Geese deterrents will be even more important this year due to the avian flu that has reached our area. Third Lake in Grayslake has a confirmed incident of 20+ Canadian Geese dying on their lake from the avian flu. Keeping geese off our lake this year takes on added importance as this will minimize the spread of the avian flu to any wildlife in our neighborhood as well as potential spread to pets. As the ice melts the geese will be looking for nesting spots. We do not want any nests around our lake this summer. We have invested LLPOA funds and many volunteer hours to address LLPOA shorelines. We need all lakefront homeowners to get their shoreline geese deterrents up as soon as possible. We also need to reach out to all lakefront homeowners that do not have any deterrents on their shoreline to inform and educate them on the need and benefits of adding geese deterrents at their shoreline. Goose droppings on a lawn will cause undesirable runoff into our lake. If geese have easy access to your lawn they will waddle over to your neighbors lawn whether your neighbors have shoreline deterrents or not. Any lakefront homeowner needing assistance with geese deterrents on their shoreline, please reach out to Tom Casey and we will help you out. Please pass this on to your lakefront neighbors who may not be on this email list. If anyone finds a goose nest please let Tom Casey know.
- Repositioning of the floating islands to South Beach was discussed again this month based upon some feedback Tom received. There was an overwhelming consensus of the 18 people in attendance to move the floating islands to the South Beach area, clustering them together in the area of the old swim platform. This will increase visibility and effectiveness. Chris Baker has volunteered to assess the current plant population and make a recommendation on replacing missing plants or plants that have not fared well. He also volunteered to grow some native plants from seed to replant in the floating islands.If problems arise from this location then we can move them again as they are portable. Controlling the unwanted spread of lily pads in the lake was discussed also. The plan is to utilize the weed harvester in deeper areas as well as digging up lily pads with rakes in shallower areas where thei rpresence is a nuisance. We do not need to remove a lllily pads on the lake as they are effective at filtering the lake water.
- Regular attendees for different lake area groups – Gerry Munley, Roger Franz and Marty Szostak will attend the Lake County Lake Lovers group. Paul Saydak volunteered to be the main contact with the Village of Mundelein. Tom will continue to attend the Des Plaines River Watershed group meetings as well as run the newly formed Lakes Collaboration group. Tom will continue to meet regularly with the Mundelein Park District. Brian Mcdonald volunteered to look into the Illinois Lake Management Association group.
- We are looking for a volunteer to run the Tony Baade Father’s Day Weekend fishing tournament on the morning of Saturday June 14. The tournament runs from 8:00 AM to Noon on Saturday morning. Please reach out to Tom for details if you can help out.
- The consensus of the group was to continue the Lake ManagementSummer Kickoff event that we have done the last 2 years on Saturday May 17 at South Beach. Anyone interested in volunteering to help with this event please reach out to Tom. We’ll be offering boat rides, kayak lessons and kids fishing lessons. The purpose behind this event is to showcase our lake and how we can safely use the lake during the summer.
- The village has responded to our concerns about the ‘water flushing’ that was causing water runoff into the lake at the west end of North Bay. The water from the flushing was causing 2 issues: silt buildup from the unconditioned ravine erosion and the thin ice at that end of the lake causing asafetyhazard.Thevillagestatedthattheflushingwasdoneforthepurpose of maintaining an appropriate chlorine residual on our drinking water in the area. The village is changing the location and schedule of this flushing activity. Paul will reach out to the village about the possibility of installing rip/rap to the current ravine.
- Installing sediment traps at our major water inlets (similar to what is in place at North Beach) was discussed. Paul is researching this further and will approach the village to see if they can help out in any way. Luke stated that Stormwater Management recommended that LLPOA have a silt mitigation plan for removing the silt from the area at North Beach at the spillway, preferably no longer than every 5 years. This will be brought to the attention of the LLPOA board.