January 28, 2025

inform & educate residents; develop sustainable lake management solutions

  1. We have started a draft of documenting our Lake Management Plan. The purpose is to have it documented for reference and for continuity.

  2. Recap of 2025 initiatives

    1. The committee reviewed the plans submitted to the board during last year’s budget planning. There was consensus on the following priority order if association finances restrict full implementation of the plan. 1 – Invasive plant spraying in early spring, 2 – Weed harvesting May through September, 3 – Biodredge application similar to last year, 4 – Additional geese lights for better coverage. Shoreline homeowners can purchase geese lights for their property. If you are interested contact Tom for details. 5 – Circulator for North Beach, 6 – restocking of plants on the floating islands.

    2. The committee will be providing information on options for lakefront homeowners to arrange for weed harvesting/removal along their shorelines.

    3. Randy volunteered to check into a competing biodredge product which is less expensive and easier to apply.

  3. Phosphorus binding discussion

    1. One option to address the excess phosphorus in our lake is a whole lake application of a phosphorus binding agent. This can be expensive for a lake our size. More research into the advantages and disadvantages of the various products is needed. Countryside Lake is planning an application this summer and we can monitor their progress.

    2. Gerry displayed the new water testing tool that is going to be shared among a few lakes within the Lake County Lake Lover’s group. Gerry will also be using the new tools for testing on Loch Lomond along with the Secchi readings that he and Doug do monthly.

  4. Geese deterrents

    1. Continued resident education is planned on the benefits of shoreline geese deterrents. Identification of potential goose nest locations will be done while the lake is ice covered. We will also be looking into more user friendly beach fencing for the South Beach swim area. Marty S. volunteered to complete the roping deterrent on the diving platform at South Beach. A suggestion was made to try using drones to scare the geese. One resident has tried this and it is effective. Another resident has used a small remote control boat and it is also effective.

  5. Floating islands positioning for 2025

    – There was consensus to move the floating islands to the South Beach area, possibly clustering them together in the area of the old swim platform. This will increase visibility and effectiveness. Chris Baker has volunteered to assess the current plant population and make a recommendation on replacing missing plants or plants that have not fared well. He also volunteered to grow some native plants from seed to replant in the floating islands.

  6. Regular attendees for different lake area groups

    1. Gerry Munley, Roger Franz and Marty Szostak volunteered to regularly attend the Lake County Lake Lovers group

    2. Paul Saydak volunteered to be the main contact with the Village of Mundelein

    3. Tom will continue to attend the Des Plaines River Watershed group meetings as well as run the newly formed Lakes Collaboration group

    4. Tom will continue to meet regularly with the Mundelein Park District

    5. We are still looking for a volunteer for the Illinois Lakes Management Association. Please reach out to Tom if you are interested in this group

  7. We are looking for a volunteer to run the Tony Baade Father’s Day Weekend fishing tournament on the morning of Saturday June 14. Please reach out to Tom for details if you are interested.

  8. The consensus of the group was to continue the Lake Management Summer Kickoffevent that we have done the last 2 years. We are looking at the weekend before Memorial Day for this. Anyone interested in volunteering to help with this event please reach out to Tom. We’ll be offering boat rides, kayak lessons and kids fishing lessons again.

  9. Avian flu – There have been confirmed cases of geese dying from the avian flu at nearby Island Lake and Third Lake. If you find a group of 5 or more dead birds please let Tom know and he will report it to the Lake County Health Department and Illinois Department of Natural Resources for investigation.

LLPOA Lake Management Committee  –  January 2025