February, 2023 RECAP 

Inform & educate residents; develop sustainable lake management solutions 

  1. Eagle Scout signage project – Paul S. volunteered to take the lead on this project. He has worked with about 15- 20 Eagle Scout projects previously. Walt and Doug volunteered to help with the build phase for the 2 signs. We will utilize the Mundelein Tool Library new Woodworking Shop space for the sign construction. The Education team is reviewing/finalizing content. The Fish team will review the fish form. 
  2. Geese 

-Fencing update – 4 new gates have been installed, 2 at North Beach and 2 at South Beach. We have 1 more to build and install at South Beach. Thanks to John and Nancy P., Walt, Mario and Sarah for constructing the new fences. 

– Library pond – Luke and I met with the Fremont Library Director and the Mundelein Village Public works dept about turning off the aerators in the pond. The meeting went very well and they were not only receptive to turning the aerators off in the winter but the library wants to expand the native plant buffer around the pond. Two days after the meeting the aerators were already turned off. 

-Geese Away lights – Marty and Van followed up on the question of will the lights negatively affect other waterfowl like the diving ducks that migrate through our lake. The answer is that they should not negatively affect other waterfowl which is good news. THe committee recommended that we pursue this to further deter geese on our lake. The company provided a quote of $4,140 for 10 units as well as a plan on where to deploy them on our lake. The lights come with a money back guarantee. The plan is to order the 10 lights and deploy them as soon as the ice goes out in the spring. Thanks again to Marty for all the research on this idea. 

  1. Team updates

-Native Plants – Arlene presented a plan to extend the native plant buffer strip at South Beach between the swim pier and the boat launch pier. The new buffer strip will be 72’ wide by 10’ to 12′ feet deep and include a walking path in it. A preliminary cost estimate of $1,617 was provided for materials. The committee recommended that we pursue this proposal. Tom will work with the LLPOA Board on funding this project. Thanks to Arlene, Chris, Marjorie and Sarah for their work on this proposal. 

-Education – The team is currently working on reviewing the content for the signs for the Eagle Scout sign project. 

-Monitoring – Doug will be coordinating the Secchi Reading Team for this year. John and Nancy P., Paul, Walt and Marty volunteered to be on the Secchi reading team. Van volunteered to be a back up. Anyone else interested in helping with the semi-monthly Secchi readings, please reach out to Doug at 

-Fishing – We have 2 very experienced fishermen who have volunteered to be a part of this team. Thank you Luke and John Hines. We are still looking for a couple more fishermen and fisherwomen for this team. We are planning to have this team help the Events team with the fishing derbies as well hopefully some fishing lessons for the community. They will also help track fish populations and make recommendations for fish stocking. Anyone interested, please reach out to Tom at tomcasey@lochlomondlake,com 

-Research – Looking for volunteers to continue the research on initiatives such as aerators and dredging (both biodredging and traditional dredging). Anyone interested, please reach out to Tom at tomcasey@lochlomondlake,com 

  1. Lake management 2023 contract 

-Spraying for invasive plants – The plan is to continue this with McCloud Aquatics this year. McCloud is working on a proposal to include the spraying for invasives which we have done in the past and adding planktonic algae treatments in the summer months. 6. 2023 potential projects 

-Floating islands – Tom is working with the vendor on revised pricing for this year and submitting an order for 4 floating islands. The initial plan is to have the islands off of North

Beach, South Beach and near Firth channel. These locations are based upon having these islands near our major inlets which is where the majority or nutrients flow into our lake. -Aerators – Research continues on evaluating this potential project. 

-Biodredging – We will be receiving a report from McCloud Aquatics early this spring on the effectiveness of the trial application we did in the fall. Based upon the results we will decide on whether to pursue this option any further. 

-Eutrosorb for phosphorus – McCloud Aquatics is looking at newer products and options coming on the market that look more promising than these filters. -Inlet stabilization – Paul and Eric have expressed interest in working on a plan for this initiative. If you are also interested in working on this initiative please reach out to Tom at tomcasey@lochlomondlake,com 

  1. Update of Lake County lakes grant application – We are awaiting a decision from Lake County on the combined grant submitted by Butler Lake, St. Mary’s Lake and Loch Lomond to implement a system across the 3 lakes to address the poor water quality issues and HABs. Lake County has now indicated they should have a decision in February. 8. HAB and lake water test results communication – A lot of discussion and ideas on how to inform our community about changes in swimming conditions and HABs in our lake. Suggestions included email blasts, social media posts, flags at both beaches, adding a date to the sign which is on the website and possibly signage (like a sandwich board) outside the beaches so people can see it while driving by. 
  2. Spring Lake Management Education Kickoff – Plans are in the works for a Lake Management Spring Kickoff to inform and educate the residents about our lake AND how to enjoy our lake. Sunday May 21 would be the date. Discussion was around the following ideas: fishing lessons, boat rides, kayak lessons, small games for kids, native plant education, HAB education, lake management plans for the year and a BBQ. Tom passed out a flyer he found from a previous ‘Lake Education Day’ that was held. Arlene stated it was not well attended probably due to too much focus on education. More discussion on this will occur at our March meeting and we will be needing volunteers to help with all the activities.
  3. Communication – A lively discussion was held around this topic. There was agreement that not enough is being pushed out currently. Suggestions on improving communication to all residents included regular distribution of LLPOA Board minutes and newsletters, using social media as well as email and potentially using the Loch Captains to hand deliver to those without email or social media accounts. 
  4. Carp Derby – Holding a Carp derby similar to other lakes to get rid of some of the carp in our lake was discussed. The group was in favor of the idea but details and timing need to be worked out. Carp can be difficult to catch. Randy mentioned he has had success bowfishing during spawning season but this would not work well for a Carp Derby. 
  5. Randy suggested that a future Garden Club project could be plantings between Lomond Drive and the Firth Channel. Previous to the roads being redone there was a small split rail fence and some plantings. The idea is to discourage kids from using the top of the drainage pipe area as a play area and throwing the rocks from the riprap area into the channel. Adding a sign to discourage this activity was also suggested. 

Next meeting – March 7, 2023 

Future meetings: April 11, May 9, June 13, July 11, August 15, September 12, October 10 and November 14. Mark your calendars!