1. Banbury Road utility pole incident – A contractor truck accidentally took down the utility pole on Banbury near the west end of North Bay this past week. We are happy to report that Comed did an excellent job of containing the oil spill from the transformer and no oil entered our lake. Thanks to Jason C. and John E. for being on top of this. 
  2. Update on Lake County lakes grant application – Several Lake County lakes have joined together to submit an application for an ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) grant from Lake County. The focus of the grant is on addressing HABs and water quality in our lakes. The group is putting together the application which is due at the end of October. More updates to follow. 
  3. 2023 Budget request update – Our committee’s budget requests were included in the 2023 budget. Thanks to all of you for your time and help in putting together the estimates and the justification. 
  4. Discuss teams for different projects/areas – Several teams and scopes were discussed, and we have some people expressing interest. They are as follows: 1. Native Plants – Arlene, Chris B., Sarah and Marty are in this group so far 2. Education/Signage – Marjorie B. and Mario are in this group so far 3. Monitoring – Doug Johnson has volunteered to lead the Secchi reading team next year.  
  5. Research –  
  6. Fishing – This is a newly added team to focus on helping out with the fishing derbies and possibly kids fishing demo/clinics  
  7. Start a Lake Management Calendar for 2023 (see notes below from this discussion)

-First meeting in January – There was a consensus to move the monthly committee meeting to the week before the LLPOA Board meeting and moving the meetings to Tuesday nights from Monday nights 

-Feb/Mar – Lake Management contract discussions 

-Spring (May?) kickoff and BBQ to Educate/Inform and increase engagement -Secchi readings and any water testing we decide to do 

  1. New beach fencing update – John P. will be building new geese fences for the boat openings at North Beach and South Beach. The prototype he built for one of the North Beach openings has worked out very well. We are still looking for a feasible fencing design for the swim area at South Beach.  
  2. Review end of year report from McCloud Aquatics – Early season Galleon treatment worked well controlling invasive curlyleaf pondweed. Middle of June was the first big planktonic algae bloom which continued thru August until the middle of September when the temperatures cooled. As the water cleared in the fall an increase in the quantity of native vegetation was observed. Looking into 2023, the recommendation is to consider a nutrient management program (like Eutrosorb) 
  3. Next meeting – January 2023 (Date, Time, Place – TBD)